Sunday 15 April 2012

photo bundle - food

I finally got around to cleaning up the photo gallery on my phone.
And instead of bombarding you poor souls with a stream of meaningless pics, I thought it best if I arrange them in themes... photo montage!
The first of this three part series is titled "food". I love food, and I love taking photo's of food too! (except that tub full of broccoli, that wasn't so much fun - no wonder diet has the word DIE in it!)

1. Cheese platter 2. Easter breakfast 3. Tomato piggy on a sushi plate 4. Chocolate deluxe from Punchinello's (pre-diet of course!) 5. Macaroons from Mommy 6. Biltong is a must on any road-trip 7. Braai-ed/Barbequed prawns 8. Wino, glorious wino 9. Champagne at the Westcliff Hotel 10. Work lunch - steamed broccoli 11. Fruit salad at Vovo Telo


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